The Firstfruits belong to God. That is, the choicest of the choicest - the best of the best. These are the things closest to the ideals of Heaven and therefore deepest in their indebtedness to Him. God created everything - He owns everything. But the firstfruits are especially His.
All current life is the firstfruits of every generation compounded from the primogenitor which was the firstfruits of each of its ancestral stars and particles which were the firstfruits of the matter-antimatter resolution which was the firstfruits of the Big Bang. We are in every way already born as fully devoted to the Lord. To deny God His right to us in everything is a trespass of infinite insult. For God to ignore that insult would be to count His own worth as less than ours. Our sins must be punished to the full and infinite cost of their evil result. But despite this fearful truth, fear not for our sins have been covered by the blood of the Lamb, our once and future and current King of kings, Jesus.
God frees us to fulfil our life's purpose and know God and enjoy knowing Him forever. We know Him as a person through Jesus His Son. We learn of Jesus through the Spirit who draws our attention to the Son, whom we received when we admitted to God we were incapable of reaching Heaven, unable to love God, but that we wanted to do so, and that we believed Jesus is the Son of God and have decided to follow Him as King of our heart. Even that decision was enabled by God - God turned our hearts to Himself, so that even in that one action we have no righteousness of our own.
Tuesday, 21 May 2019
Saturday, 18 May 2019
Forgiveness. Set your feet on forgiveness. You stand before the omnipresent throne of the almighty Sovereign God. You don't stand by reason of gravity and electromagnetic forces, but by His will. You stand and do not burn because you are forgiven. The sacrifice of the Son of God, the anointed King of kings, Jesus, God with us, has paid the price of your sins and you stand and do not die before the Holy God on the basis of that forgiveness. Bless His name, meaning, give Him a great reputation, starting with your words of praise.
Let His will be done. Jesus obeyed His Father's will even to the point of death on a cross. It's all well and good for a perfect Son living in Heaven to claim He's perfectly obedient, but true obedience is proven in the tight spots - the places where it hurts you the most to obey. We can't do it. We just aren't up to the task. Jesus did it. We identify with Him through His crucifixion. See yourself on the cross, looking down on your oppressors. See the scoffers who are ignoring your innocence and calling you evil and despised. God said that anyone who is hung on a tree is labeled as evil. You are on a tree. Yet you look at your enemies not with satisfaction at their ultimate demise, but instead you forgive them and love them. You don't even want your death - the death of an innocent - to be in any way counted against them. Your desire is to forgive. That is how Jesus felt on the cross. Jesus feels the desire to forgive. Do you accept that forgiveness? Do you feel it for your enemies?
He is our daily bread. We can't learn of forgiveness today and expect to keep it tomorrow if we don't eat our daily bread - our bread of Life - Jesus. Consume His life into your own. First do what is open to all conscious believers everywhere & when: pray. Meditate on Jesus. Pray to Father, Son and Spirit as appropriate. Next: praise. Preach the gospel to yourself daily. Next: study. How can you know what to praise Him about if you don't know who He is and what He's done? By these means you eat your daily bread. For now, only a full stomach has the strength to forgive. If at all possible, never sacrifice spiritual nourishment.
Jesus knows your every thought, word and deed, now and always. He knows the ways you will sin later on. Yet He forgives you completely to the point that He willingly offers His heart held out in His hand for you to take up and release your own heart of stone into His hands. He takes that stone, cuts it open with the sword of the Spirit, circumcising your heart as you ask Him to circumcise it. Your heart attaches to the only life it feels - His. You feel the beat of His love course into your heart through His forgiveness. You accept His forgiveness and your heart sinks into His heart. Suddenly you know life like never before. Suddenly you know what it means to be alive, and you realize how much of your life you've wasted in death.
Forgiveness bridges the gap. At this point, even if you die, nothing will steal your joy. Only starving yourself of the bread of life could sap your strength. But who can keep you from prayer? May God's grace keep you from sinning and fleeing from the presence of God for the sake of lesser pleasures.
Forgiveness places you in the center of God's will. The blemishes on your soul are being purified, but you stand before your God clothed in the righteousness of the Son of God and you are called a son of God.
Look at the faces of everyone around you. God has the same will to forgive each of them and loves each of them the same as He loves you. He wants you to love them the way He loves them. Sense their relationship to Him and rejoice at their closeness while mourning at their distance. Rejoice in the closeness He has given you and desperately seek to deepen that joy in God. Forgiveness will define you.
Let His will be done. Jesus obeyed His Father's will even to the point of death on a cross. It's all well and good for a perfect Son living in Heaven to claim He's perfectly obedient, but true obedience is proven in the tight spots - the places where it hurts you the most to obey. We can't do it. We just aren't up to the task. Jesus did it. We identify with Him through His crucifixion. See yourself on the cross, looking down on your oppressors. See the scoffers who are ignoring your innocence and calling you evil and despised. God said that anyone who is hung on a tree is labeled as evil. You are on a tree. Yet you look at your enemies not with satisfaction at their ultimate demise, but instead you forgive them and love them. You don't even want your death - the death of an innocent - to be in any way counted against them. Your desire is to forgive. That is how Jesus felt on the cross. Jesus feels the desire to forgive. Do you accept that forgiveness? Do you feel it for your enemies?
He is our daily bread. We can't learn of forgiveness today and expect to keep it tomorrow if we don't eat our daily bread - our bread of Life - Jesus. Consume His life into your own. First do what is open to all conscious believers everywhere & when: pray. Meditate on Jesus. Pray to Father, Son and Spirit as appropriate. Next: praise. Preach the gospel to yourself daily. Next: study. How can you know what to praise Him about if you don't know who He is and what He's done? By these means you eat your daily bread. For now, only a full stomach has the strength to forgive. If at all possible, never sacrifice spiritual nourishment.
Jesus knows your every thought, word and deed, now and always. He knows the ways you will sin later on. Yet He forgives you completely to the point that He willingly offers His heart held out in His hand for you to take up and release your own heart of stone into His hands. He takes that stone, cuts it open with the sword of the Spirit, circumcising your heart as you ask Him to circumcise it. Your heart attaches to the only life it feels - His. You feel the beat of His love course into your heart through His forgiveness. You accept His forgiveness and your heart sinks into His heart. Suddenly you know life like never before. Suddenly you know what it means to be alive, and you realize how much of your life you've wasted in death.
Forgiveness bridges the gap. At this point, even if you die, nothing will steal your joy. Only starving yourself of the bread of life could sap your strength. But who can keep you from prayer? May God's grace keep you from sinning and fleeing from the presence of God for the sake of lesser pleasures.
Forgiveness places you in the center of God's will. The blemishes on your soul are being purified, but you stand before your God clothed in the righteousness of the Son of God and you are called a son of God.
Look at the faces of everyone around you. God has the same will to forgive each of them and loves each of them the same as He loves you. He wants you to love them the way He loves them. Sense their relationship to Him and rejoice at their closeness while mourning at their distance. Rejoice in the closeness He has given you and desperately seek to deepen that joy in God. Forgiveness will define you.
Wednesday, 15 May 2019
Jesus loves the little children. All the children of the world. Show us the Father, Jesus. Don't you know me yet? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. Jesus loves everyone. God the Father loves everyone. He loves those who hate Him as well as those who glory in Him. To those who hate Him, He mostly leaves them to their own devices, which is as they wish. In His love for them, He lets them drift further away from Him, because He knows that the deeper their pain gets, the louder they will hear His call. He lets the happy stay happy as long as He can. Why remove the joy of those who will spend the rest of eternity in torment? Let them have their fun while they may.
But at least let the pain they cause others bring the suffering ones closer to Him. At least let the one who romances our hearts romance more deeply those who feel the most unjust pain. Those who most uniquely identify with the sufferings of His own Son.
His Son who lived a perfect life, wholeheartedly devoted to His Father in Heaven. Obedient from leaving the ecstasies of Heaven which are glorying in the Triune, He was incarnated through a low class child. He never harmed anyone nor caused His Father grief of any sort. Even in crying out, "My God, why have you forsaken me?" He referenced David, for whom He was Lord, and made David's his own words, "Yet you are he who took me from the womb; you made me trust you at my mother’s breasts."
This most innocent and beautiful love-filled child grew to become a bold, innocent love-filled man who was wrongfully arrested, tried and murdered. His own people - the ones whose king He rightfully was - rejected Him as not the kind of king they wanted. Jesus knows what it is to be betrayed. He knows that pain. One of His 12 best friends betrayed him with a kiss. He knows the pain of wrongful beatings. He knows the pain of public shaming. If you know His pain, then show Him your love, and show your love to those who are also in pain.
But at least let the pain they cause others bring the suffering ones closer to Him. At least let the one who romances our hearts romance more deeply those who feel the most unjust pain. Those who most uniquely identify with the sufferings of His own Son.
His Son who lived a perfect life, wholeheartedly devoted to His Father in Heaven. Obedient from leaving the ecstasies of Heaven which are glorying in the Triune, He was incarnated through a low class child. He never harmed anyone nor caused His Father grief of any sort. Even in crying out, "My God, why have you forsaken me?" He referenced David, for whom He was Lord, and made David's his own words, "Yet you are he who took me from the womb; you made me trust you at my mother’s breasts."
This most innocent and beautiful love-filled child grew to become a bold, innocent love-filled man who was wrongfully arrested, tried and murdered. His own people - the ones whose king He rightfully was - rejected Him as not the kind of king they wanted. Jesus knows what it is to be betrayed. He knows that pain. One of His 12 best friends betrayed him with a kiss. He knows the pain of wrongful beatings. He knows the pain of public shaming. If you know His pain, then show Him your love, and show your love to those who are also in pain.
Tuesday, 2 August 2016
Dark side of the Drake 1.5
~~~Continued from~~~
232 AO, September 4th
The energy of Drako began to course through the Wizard. Eddies and currents of vast power were flowing around me.
I saw a woman with her eyes closed.
For a little while, at least. After a few uncomfortable minutes, she began moving her lips, and manipulating her fingers. Her eyes opened, but they seemed to be focused on nothing in particular as they darted around. Her forehead wrinkled, and she began to sweat.
She was no longer reacting to me, so I lowered my gun.
Suddenly there was a soft breeze. The sun seemed to beat down harder. Statically charged ions and ozone played off of sharp points in Saint Elmo's fire dances. The breeze turned to a wind, and then a gale. Jikana's eyes widened and her arms and hands spread open, each finger pointing to an area in front of her. Her moving lips were filled with a strange non-language, and she began to go pale.
Without warning, space warped. It was as if someone had poked a flexible mirror - the image of Jikana flowed around a point in space, and that point became a greenish blurry sphere, expanding from nothing to 2 meters in diameter within seconds. A soft wind flowed into and out of the spherical hole in space. I could see the warped image of greenery as if through a long mirrored tube. No matter which way I shifted, the exit seemed to remain directly in front of me.
Jikana had sworn to harm no one. I jumped into the portal.
The transition across the portal barrier was... very different. It was as if every cell in my body was being stretched and wrapped through a wringer in a way that I can't adequately describe. Then I was weightless, as if I was back on the shuttle journeying to Drako from Porta. Zero Gee. Most people found the feeling difficult to stomach. I loved it. I was flying through a tunnel.
I looked up, and my brain hurt. Not literally - there was no headache. But I couldn't quite mentally grasp the image of my foot above my head. A part of me wanted to reach out and touch it, but I don't know what I would have done if I felt myself grab my foot through... ugh.. I don't even want to think about it.
Behind me, the entrance closed and winked out of existence. Just then the exit became a sharp cone that looked like it would impale me. Forgetting Jikana's oath, I panicked and stopped myself with an on-board propellant. It was unnecessary. As I neared the exit, my extremities came closer together until I was practically standing on the sides of my own feet. That was weird. I pushed off into the nothingness that was in the direction I had came from, just in time to watch a new portal exit bloom before me.
It was all quite confusing, and I just wanted out of there, so I accelerated toward this new exit, and burst through the barrier wringer into a dark wooded area. I tumbled, my armour absorbing most of the blow, but getting damaged in the process. I planted my feet beneath me like I was taught, and sprang into an upright position, looking back the way I had come. The Portal closed before my eyes, leaving me stranded... wherever or whenever I was.
Jikana could have betrayed me, and I might have no way of retaliating. Nothing left but to find out.
I flipped through the different light frequencies, and found that most had a strong concentration in one particular direction. Magnetometers suggested it was to the West.
~~~To be continued~~~
232 AO, September 4th
The energy of Drako began to course through the Wizard. Eddies and currents of vast power were flowing around me.
I saw a woman with her eyes closed.
For a little while, at least. After a few uncomfortable minutes, she began moving her lips, and manipulating her fingers. Her eyes opened, but they seemed to be focused on nothing in particular as they darted around. Her forehead wrinkled, and she began to sweat.
She was no longer reacting to me, so I lowered my gun.
Suddenly there was a soft breeze. The sun seemed to beat down harder. Statically charged ions and ozone played off of sharp points in Saint Elmo's fire dances. The breeze turned to a wind, and then a gale. Jikana's eyes widened and her arms and hands spread open, each finger pointing to an area in front of her. Her moving lips were filled with a strange non-language, and she began to go pale.
Without warning, space warped. It was as if someone had poked a flexible mirror - the image of Jikana flowed around a point in space, and that point became a greenish blurry sphere, expanding from nothing to 2 meters in diameter within seconds. A soft wind flowed into and out of the spherical hole in space. I could see the warped image of greenery as if through a long mirrored tube. No matter which way I shifted, the exit seemed to remain directly in front of me.
Jikana had sworn to harm no one. I jumped into the portal.
The transition across the portal barrier was... very different. It was as if every cell in my body was being stretched and wrapped through a wringer in a way that I can't adequately describe. Then I was weightless, as if I was back on the shuttle journeying to Drako from Porta. Zero Gee. Most people found the feeling difficult to stomach. I loved it. I was flying through a tunnel.
I looked up, and my brain hurt. Not literally - there was no headache. But I couldn't quite mentally grasp the image of my foot above my head. A part of me wanted to reach out and touch it, but I don't know what I would have done if I felt myself grab my foot through... ugh.. I don't even want to think about it.
Behind me, the entrance closed and winked out of existence. Just then the exit became a sharp cone that looked like it would impale me. Forgetting Jikana's oath, I panicked and stopped myself with an on-board propellant. It was unnecessary. As I neared the exit, my extremities came closer together until I was practically standing on the sides of my own feet. That was weird. I pushed off into the nothingness that was in the direction I had came from, just in time to watch a new portal exit bloom before me.
It was all quite confusing, and I just wanted out of there, so I accelerated toward this new exit, and burst through the barrier wringer into a dark wooded area. I tumbled, my armour absorbing most of the blow, but getting damaged in the process. I planted my feet beneath me like I was taught, and sprang into an upright position, looking back the way I had come. The Portal closed before my eyes, leaving me stranded... wherever or whenever I was.
Jikana could have betrayed me, and I might have no way of retaliating. Nothing left but to find out.
I flipped through the different light frequencies, and found that most had a strong concentration in one particular direction. Magnetometers suggested it was to the West.
~~~To be continued~~~
Monday, 22 February 2016
Funeral Director
My 3 prompts:
My name is Laquisha. I am a funeral director. As a funeral director I need to know when people die. Nobody knows this, but there is an app for that. All funeral directors have this app, but most of them ignore it and allow customers to come to them. What makes this app special, is that it releases the location that the death occurs 3 hours before it happens, and slowly releases details until the actual event.
I don't believe that this app is an innocent result of quantum science mumbo jumbo. That is why I intervene.
I live in Piscatoris. I wear a deathmask and a tux. I am the Funeral Director.
A little over 2 hours ago, the App sent an alert to my phone. A death was going to occur at a 3 story warehouse by the docks. I got dressed and took a cab to the address. On the way, the app alerted me of 5 other deaths at the same address. So far, no names or other details have come through. I searched the first floor and found nothing. I'm on my way to the elevator, gun drawn.
The indicator light is on the 3rd floor, so I call the elevator. 30 seconds later the elevator door opens, and I enter. There is a front gate and a back gate, and I don't know which side will open, so I stand on the side keeping an eye on both.
The bell dings and the elevator stops. The doors open. My mind rebels at what I'm seeing. Clear sky through a glass ceiling, and dense trees all around. Someone has built a labyrinth up here.
I exit the elevator, and check my phone.
-10 minutes until the first death.
-It is a murder.
-Knife wound to the throat.
My mask is equipped with vision technologies, so I turn on infrared enhancement.
After 9 minutes of searching along the paths, I finally see someone up ahead. A small woman is collapsed on the path, her leg covered in blood. She is weeping softly, with her hair covering her eyes. Then out of the corner of my eye, I notice a hint of red. A camouflaged man has crept up on the woman from within the foliage. He is carrying a long knife, and he is inches away from her. He is intently focused on her like a hungry animal. I zoom in on his face, and my PAI (Personal Artificial Intelligence) identifies him as an escaped serial killer.
I swing my gun up to take aim, just as he lunges for her. She laughs and twirls around, steel flashing in her hands. There is a look of surprise on his face, as his blood drips down her arms. He still has some fight in him, and he tries to take his own vengeance. However, he is too weak, and she throws him aside. She cleans her knife on his shirt and looks at me. I lower my gun, and say, "Are you alright?"
She points to her ears and shrugs, then signs something at me. I don't know sign language, but my PAI displays, "I'm sorry, I can't hear you. I'm deaf." I nod at her. I have a business card, so I take out a pen and begin writing on it, "Can I help you?". But when I look up, she's gone. I look around, and there is no sign of her. That's when my PAI pings me. I look at the news article it pulled out of Google:
"Deaf Dora Deals Double Death!
Police are confounded by yet another murder by the mysterious deaf woman. This time, she knifed two men outside of a..."
I didn't expect that. I bluetooth my phone to the mask, and check for alerts. More details have poured in from the App:
-Less than a minute to next death.
-Gunshot to chest.
-16 minutes to 3rd death.
-16 minutes to 4th death.
-17 minutes to 5th death.
Fearing the next one may be me, I look around fast. To my left! Someone is hiding in the tree. I keep them in my peripheral vision, as I review the image. There is a glint of steel in the image. I turn on my reverse cam and walk away from the stalker. The stalker creeps out of the bush and I recognize her. She is Deaf Dora. I swing around, gun pointing at her chest, and my other hand out in the universal sign for "Stop!" Fearing that the app may be right, my eyes plead with her to listen.
I miscalculated. She interprets my fear as being directed toward her, and charges me. I pull the trigger. She stops in surprise, as she looks down and drops the knife. Blood spreads outward from the center of her chest in arterial gushes. Her bloody hands take on more blood. She looks at me pleadingly, and collapses. Damn that App! I check her pulse, but there is none any more. Nothing more for me here, so I move on.
Five minutes later, I see someone else wandering the path, carrying a gun. He sees me, then my gun. I lower my gun and say, "You alright?"
He lowers his in response and says, "I don't know! I heard a gunshot. Was that you?"
"Yeah. I was attacked."
"Any idea what's going on?"
"No, not really. You?" My PAI pings me. Facial recognition has determined that this man is a serial killer named John Roscoe. He targets young boys. I'm safe.
"No. All I know is that I was lured here."
We walk and talk for a few minutes. I pretend to be a murderer, and that seems to loosen his tongue a bit more. I find out that he and his roommate received letters which were designed to lure them here. His roommate is the man that Deaf Dora killed, but I don't tell him that.
I check for updates from the App:
-Less than 1 minute to 3rd death.
-Gunshot to head
-Less than 1 minute to 4th death.
-Gunshot to head
-1 minute to 5th death.
-Gunshot to head
-7 minutes to 6th death.
Just then, we come to a clearing.
Across the clearing, I see someone moving about, and point them out to my companion. “John! Look over there! Someone across the clearing.”
John sees them and says, “So there is… How did you know my name?”
“You told me, remember?”
John sees them and says, “So there is… How did you know my name?”
“You told me, remember?”
“No. I didn’t.”
I notice a red laser dot appear on the head of the man across the clearing, just as John shoves me out into the open and draws his gun.
A gunshot rings out and the man across the clearing falls to the ground amid bloodspray and brain splatter. John hesitates and looks at the action. The red laser dot swings too fast to track across the clearing and settles on John’s head. My PAI triangulates the origin and highlights it for me, zooming in on the area of an image it took earlier, where a grainy sharpshooter appears to be hiding in the top of a tree. I yell, “Duck!” too late. John’s brain erupts from the side of his head. I dash for cover, and start running to intercept the sharpshooter. I chance a look at the shooter’s location just in time to see a red dot appear on her head, and a moment later watch her die like her victims.
Again my PAI tracks the laser, this time back toward the elevator shaft. Above the elevator there is an observation tower. I look at it, and zoom in on a man descending stars. There’s no time for me to reach the elevator shaft or the stairwell, but there is only one functional exit to the building. That exit is on the North wall, and I am right by the north wall. It is 25 feet to the ground below. Not really too far to drop, but I don’t want to risk breaking my legs, so I improvise.
The human intestine is 25 feet long in total. It’s slippery as you like, and not really that strong in its fresh state, but it worked. I made it to the ground right by the entrance just as the man was darting for it. I raised my gun and shouted, “Stop!”
He responded, “How many did you kill?”
“What?!” I was confused.
“How many of them did you kill? It’s a simple question.” He stopped 10 feet from me, still inside the warehouse.
I thought for a moment, my PAI pinged me. “You killed one person today.”
“Why does it matter?”
“I want to know. What is the harm in telling me? You can see that I don’t have my rifle trained on you. I saw all of them but two die. I know that they died, I had their vitals tracked. What happened to the other two?”
“First, you tell me what the bloody hell was going on here!”
“Promise to tell me afterward?”
“Fine. In fact, I’ll do one better. I’ll show you.”
“Thank you. I lured 5 serial killers here so that they would kill each other. Then you showed up. Now, show me, like you promised!”
I projected my recording of the two deaths onto the floor between us, adjusted for his viewpoint. He watched the recording play out with a look of ecstasy on his face.
“Are you recording this too?”
“Answer me!” He shouted.
He pulled out a diamond coated nanotube saw (DCNS) string from his glove, and flipped a coin. While it was in the air, he said, “Heads you die, tails I die!”
It landed tails up.
“Fair enough,” he shrugged. He lay on the ground, and took out a mirror, positioning it carefully.
“What are you doing?” I asked
He wrapped the DCNS Garrote around his neck and tightened it rapidly, cutting through his carotid artery.
“No!” I dropped my gun, running to him and tried to stop the bleeding. I knew there was nothing I could do. I also knew I needed to leave the scene.
My PAI responded, “Yes?”
“Scrub a copy of the recording of my identifying information, and post it to the Anonymous Police Report Forum. Prepare my apartment for quiet entry and a forensic bath. With epsom salts. And put some hot chocolate on for me.
Saturday, 16 January 2016
Dark side of the Drake 1.4
~~~Continued from~~~
232 AO, September 4th
How do you track a wizard? No one even believes they exist, so I suppose they'd be as hard to track as Nergworm Monster. Cryptozoology is terribly unfruitful. Despite my determination to get this wizard's help, I had no idea how hard it would be to find her. Fortunately it wasn't. It turns out that when someone leaves a planet before space exploration begins, they don't expect to meet any other humans. I topped a ridge and spied Jikana picking berries in a ravine. It was perfect. I was easily able to approach her from behind without her becoming aware of my presence - which was good considering her abilities. I positioned myself at the only exit she would be expected to take, and waited until she was finished to ambush her.
She picked up her basket, and began her trek - well, the first few feet of the trek. As soon as she passed me, I stepped up behind her with the barrel of my loaded gun pressing into her back. I could see her mind racing as she panicked.
I threatened her, "Don't twitch. I know your abilities, and I will kill you rather than lose you. I need your help."
"Funny way-"
"Don't be so cliché."
"What do you want?"
"I need to go back in time."
Jikana turned incredulously, "Are you insane?"
"Quite possibly yes."
The comms static clicked in, "Possibly? I'd suggest definitely, considering the fact you're now listening to a dead man's voice."
"Shut up, Merty."
"Who's Merty?"
I answered her, "Mertabhai is..." my eyes glistened, but I suppressed the feeling, "... was, my brother."
"And now you talk to him?"
Ignoring her, I said, "He was killed by a stranger when I was a child. He and my parents were all killed by that man. I was asleep in our room, and I awoke to hushed arguments. Merty was arguing with this man when my parents came into the room, my mother carrying a bat. He grabbed the stranger's gun, who yelled something and then Merty tried to stop the stranger, but missed and hit our father instead. Then the stranger shot Mertabhai, killing him. My mother screamed and tried to stop the stranger, hitting him with the bat, but he turned and disemboweled her. Then he left like nothing had happened.
"I lost my entire family that night. I cannot let that happen. I will have them back."
Jikana said, "I can't help you."
"Listen lady, I know your powers. I've done my research."
"No, you misunderstand me. I can send you back but it won't help," she answered. I tilted my head to the side questioningly. She continued, "No matter what you do, you can't change the past - not really."
"Why not? You know what," I shook my head, "It doesn't matter. I don't want to hear you try to convince me not to do this for any reason. I don't want to hear that I'll blow up the universe, or cause a paradox that implodes everything. I don't care what your excuse is. Send me back, or I kill you. It really is that simple."
"If you will not listen to reason, then I am sorry. You'll only have one chance to get back. When the Portal opens, it will only open near you, and only be open for 30 seconds."
"I'll only take it if the deed is done."
She closed her eyes.
"What are you doing?!" I shouted.
"Shush! Creating these portals will require far more energy than you can possibly imagine."
"What do you mean, 'portals'?"
~~~To be continued~~~
232 AO, September 4th
How do you track a wizard? No one even believes they exist, so I suppose they'd be as hard to track as Nergworm Monster. Cryptozoology is terribly unfruitful. Despite my determination to get this wizard's help, I had no idea how hard it would be to find her. Fortunately it wasn't. It turns out that when someone leaves a planet before space exploration begins, they don't expect to meet any other humans. I topped a ridge and spied Jikana picking berries in a ravine. It was perfect. I was easily able to approach her from behind without her becoming aware of my presence - which was good considering her abilities. I positioned myself at the only exit she would be expected to take, and waited until she was finished to ambush her.
She picked up her basket, and began her trek - well, the first few feet of the trek. As soon as she passed me, I stepped up behind her with the barrel of my loaded gun pressing into her back. I could see her mind racing as she panicked.
I threatened her, "Don't twitch. I know your abilities, and I will kill you rather than lose you. I need your help."
"Funny way-"
"Don't be so cliché."
"What do you want?"
"I need to go back in time."
Jikana turned incredulously, "Are you insane?"
"Quite possibly yes."
The comms static clicked in, "Possibly? I'd suggest definitely, considering the fact you're now listening to a dead man's voice."
"Shut up, Merty."
"Who's Merty?"
I answered her, "Mertabhai is..." my eyes glistened, but I suppressed the feeling, "... was, my brother."
"And now you talk to him?"
Ignoring her, I said, "He was killed by a stranger when I was a child. He and my parents were all killed by that man. I was asleep in our room, and I awoke to hushed arguments. Merty was arguing with this man when my parents came into the room, my mother carrying a bat. He grabbed the stranger's gun, who yelled something and then Merty tried to stop the stranger, but missed and hit our father instead. Then the stranger shot Mertabhai, killing him. My mother screamed and tried to stop the stranger, hitting him with the bat, but he turned and disemboweled her. Then he left like nothing had happened.
"I lost my entire family that night. I cannot let that happen. I will have them back."
Jikana said, "I can't help you."
"Listen lady, I know your powers. I've done my research."
"No, you misunderstand me. I can send you back but it won't help," she answered. I tilted my head to the side questioningly. She continued, "No matter what you do, you can't change the past - not really."
"Why not? You know what," I shook my head, "It doesn't matter. I don't want to hear you try to convince me not to do this for any reason. I don't want to hear that I'll blow up the universe, or cause a paradox that implodes everything. I don't care what your excuse is. Send me back, or I kill you. It really is that simple."
"If you will not listen to reason, then I am sorry. You'll only have one chance to get back. When the Portal opens, it will only open near you, and only be open for 30 seconds."
"I'll only take it if the deed is done."
She closed her eyes.
"What are you doing?!" I shouted.
"Shush! Creating these portals will require far more energy than you can possibly imagine."
"What do you mean, 'portals'?"
~~~To be continued~~~
Dark side of the Drake 1.4
~~~Continued from~~~
232 AO, September 4th
How do you track a wizard? No one even believes they exist, so I suppose they'd be as hard to track as Nergworm Monster. Cryptozoology is terribly unfruitful. Despite my determination to get this wizard's help, I had no idea how hard it would be to find her. Fortunately it wasn't. It turns out that when someone leaves a planet before space exploration begins, they don't expect to meet any other humans. I topped a ridge and spied Jikana picking berries in a ravine. It was perfect. I was easily able to approach her from behind without her becoming aware of my presence - which was good considering her abilities. I positioned myself at the only exit she would be expected to take, and waited until she was finished to ambush her.
She picked up her basket, and began her trek - well, the first few feet of the trek. As soon as she passed me, I stepped up behind her with the barrel of my loaded gun pressing into her back. I could see her mind racing as she panicked.
I threatened her, "Don't twitch. I know your abilities, and I will kill you rather than lose you. I need your help."
"Funny way-"
"Don't be so cliché."
"What do you want?"
"I need to go back in time."
Jikana turned incredulously, "Are you insane?"
"Quite possibly yes."
The comms static clicked in, "Possibly? I'd suggest definitely, considering the fact you're now listening to a dead man's voice."
"Shut up, Merty."
"Who's Merty?"
I answered her, "Mertabhai is..." my eyes glistened, but I suppressed the feeling, "... was, my brother."
"And now you talk to him?"
Ignoring her, I said, "He was killed by a stranger when I was a child. He and my parents were all killed by that man. I was asleep in our room, and I awoke to hushed arguments. Merty was arguing with this man when my parents came into the room, my mother carrying a bat. He grabbed the stranger's gun, who yelled something and then Merty tried to stop the stranger, but missed and hit our father instead. Then the stranger shot Mertabhai, killing him. My mother screamed and tried to stop the stranger, hitting him with the bat, but he turned and disemboweled her. Then he left like nothing had happened.
"I lost my entire family that night. I cannot let that happen. I will have them back."
Jikana said, "I can't help you."
"Listen lady, I know your powers. I've done my research."
"No, you misunderstand me. I can send you back but it won't help," she answered. I tilted my head to the side questioningly. She continued, "No matter what you do, you can't change the past - not really."
"Why not? You know what," I shook my head, "It doesn't matter. I don't want to hear you try to convince me not to do this for any reason. I don't want to hear that I'll blow up the universe, or cause a paradox that implodes everything. I don't care what your excuse is. Send me back, or I kill you. It really is that simple."
"If you will not listen to reason, then I am sorry."
She closed her eyes.
"What are you doing?!" I shouted.
"Shush! Creating these portals will require far more energy than you can possibly imagine."
"What do you mean, 'portals'?"
~~~To be continued~~~
232 AO, September 4th
How do you track a wizard? No one even believes they exist, so I suppose they'd be as hard to track as Nergworm Monster. Cryptozoology is terribly unfruitful. Despite my determination to get this wizard's help, I had no idea how hard it would be to find her. Fortunately it wasn't. It turns out that when someone leaves a planet before space exploration begins, they don't expect to meet any other humans. I topped a ridge and spied Jikana picking berries in a ravine. It was perfect. I was easily able to approach her from behind without her becoming aware of my presence - which was good considering her abilities. I positioned myself at the only exit she would be expected to take, and waited until she was finished to ambush her.
She picked up her basket, and began her trek - well, the first few feet of the trek. As soon as she passed me, I stepped up behind her with the barrel of my loaded gun pressing into her back. I could see her mind racing as she panicked.
I threatened her, "Don't twitch. I know your abilities, and I will kill you rather than lose you. I need your help."
"Funny way-"
"Don't be so cliché."
"What do you want?"
"I need to go back in time."
Jikana turned incredulously, "Are you insane?"
"Quite possibly yes."
The comms static clicked in, "Possibly? I'd suggest definitely, considering the fact you're now listening to a dead man's voice."
"Shut up, Merty."
"Who's Merty?"
I answered her, "Mertabhai is..." my eyes glistened, but I suppressed the feeling, "... was, my brother."
"And now you talk to him?"
Ignoring her, I said, "He was killed by a stranger when I was a child. He and my parents were all killed by that man. I was asleep in our room, and I awoke to hushed arguments. Merty was arguing with this man when my parents came into the room, my mother carrying a bat. He grabbed the stranger's gun, who yelled something and then Merty tried to stop the stranger, but missed and hit our father instead. Then the stranger shot Mertabhai, killing him. My mother screamed and tried to stop the stranger, hitting him with the bat, but he turned and disemboweled her. Then he left like nothing had happened.
"I lost my entire family that night. I cannot let that happen. I will have them back."
Jikana said, "I can't help you."
"Listen lady, I know your powers. I've done my research."
"No, you misunderstand me. I can send you back but it won't help," she answered. I tilted my head to the side questioningly. She continued, "No matter what you do, you can't change the past - not really."
"Why not? You know what," I shook my head, "It doesn't matter. I don't want to hear you try to convince me not to do this for any reason. I don't want to hear that I'll blow up the universe, or cause a paradox that implodes everything. I don't care what your excuse is. Send me back, or I kill you. It really is that simple."
"If you will not listen to reason, then I am sorry."
She closed her eyes.
"What are you doing?!" I shouted.
"Shush! Creating these portals will require far more energy than you can possibly imagine."
"What do you mean, 'portals'?"
~~~To be continued~~~
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