Wednesday 15 May 2019


Jesus loves the little children. All the children of the world. Show us the Father, Jesus. Don't you know me yet? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. Jesus loves everyone. God the Father loves everyone. He loves those who hate Him as well as those who glory in Him. To those who hate Him, He mostly leaves them to their own devices, which is as they wish. In His love for them, He lets them drift further away from Him, because He knows that the deeper their pain gets, the louder they will hear His call. He lets the happy stay happy as long as He can. Why remove the joy of those who will spend the rest of eternity in torment? Let them have their fun while they may.

But at least let the pain they cause others bring the suffering ones closer to Him. At least let the one who romances our hearts romance more deeply those who feel the most unjust pain. Those who most uniquely identify with the sufferings of His own Son.

His Son who lived a perfect life, wholeheartedly devoted to His Father in Heaven. Obedient from leaving the ecstasies of Heaven which are glorying in the Triune, He was incarnated through a low class child. He never harmed anyone nor caused His Father grief of any sort. Even in crying out, "My God, why have you forsaken me?" He referenced David, for whom He was Lord, and made David's his own words, "Yet you are he who took me from the womb; you made me trust you at my mother’s breasts."

This most innocent and beautiful love-filled child grew to become a bold, innocent love-filled man who was wrongfully arrested, tried and murdered. His own people - the ones whose king He rightfully was - rejected Him as not the kind of king they wanted. Jesus knows what it is to be betrayed. He knows that pain. One of His 12 best friends betrayed him with a kiss. He knows the pain of wrongful beatings. He knows the pain of public shaming. If you know His pain, then show Him your love, and show your love to those who are also in pain.

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